Sunday, February 15, 2015

Realms of the Spiritual Multiverse

Realms Planes Levels &
[ See Note 1]
[ See Note 2]
Key Concepts & Lessons
[ See Note 3]
Cosmic All, Creator, Great Mystery, The Unknowable (God)
Cosmic Plane

Upper Spiritual
Unity Divine Essence (Spark of God)
Point of Creation
Abstract Pure Energy, "The Light"
Principle of Existence (I AM)
Celestial Plane

Middle Spiritual
Divine Father Abstract Emotional Energy, emphasizing Divine Love
Principle of the Expressive Co-Creative Force or Energy
Heavenly Plane

Lower Spiritual
Divine Mother Abstract Intellectual Energy, emphasizing Divine Truth
Principle of the Receptive Co-Creative Form and Manifestion
The Void, Nothingness
Inspirational Plane

Upper Ethereal
Unity Divine Child Concrete Positive Intellectual Energy
Principle of Archetypal Ideas
Development of Personal Growth & Expansion
Causal Plane

Middle Ethereal
Divine Justice Concrete Negative Intellectual Energy
Principle of Stability (Spiritual Law & Order)
Development of Personal Righteousness & Self-sacrifice
Mental Plane

Lower Ethereal
Self-Perception Concrete Balanced Intellectual Energy
Principle of Self-Consciousness & Self-Awareness
Development of Personal Transformation & Self-redemption
The Veil of Separation
Aspirational Plane

Upper Astral
4: 1-9 Heart-based thought-forms by humanity as an inclusive, collective whole, Everyone. Concrete Positive Emotional Energy.
Principle of Empathy emanating from the Light-side of Human Nature based on unconditional love, altuism & benevolence.
3: 1-7 Heart-based thought-forms by an individual human inclusive of the collective whole, Everyone.
Imaginative Plane

Middle Astral
2: 1-5 Intellect-based thought-forms by humans as an inclusive, collective group, Us & some others. Concrete Negative Emotional Energy.
Principle of Sympathy emanating from the 'gray area' of Human Nature based on conditional love, accomodation & compromise.
1: 1-3Intellect-based thought-forms by an inclusive individual human, Me & some others.
Egoic Plane

Lower Astral
2: 1-5 Ego-based thought- forms by humans as an exclusive, collective group, just US. Concrete Balanced Emotional Energy.
Principle of Apathy emanating from the Dark-side of Human Nature based on fear, anger, hatred, etc.
1: 1-3Ego-based thought-forms by an exclusive individual human, just ME.
The Veil of Forgetfulness
Etheric Plane

Upper Physical
4: 1-9 High-vibration Physical & Life Force Energies Concrete Physical Energy
Principle of Energetic Cause and Effect
3: 1-7Low-vibration Physical & Life Force Energies
Physical Plane

Middle Physical
2: 1-5 High- vibration Material Universe Concrete Physical Matter
Principle of Physical Cause and Effect
1: 1-3 Low-vibration Material Universe
Elemental Plane

Lower Physical
2: 1-5 Forces of Air, Earth, Fire, Water & Aether Abstract Physical Energy
Template of Physical & Life Force Energies
1: 1-3 Framework of Unmanifested Fundamental Matter Abstract Physical Matter
Template of Fundamental Matter
The Void, Nothingness


1. Under the column labeled "Dimensions:"
  1. Dimension Defined - To understand what is meant by a Dimension in the spiritual context, consider each Dimension to be a framework for manifesting a particular type of Spiritual Energy.
  2. Within the Spiritual or Ethereal Realms - There are no dimensions as we understand them. All simply exist as they choose to manifest. The perception that residents of the Spiritual or Ethereal Realms are three dimensional is the product of the mind of a visitor from the Physical Plane to those realms. Most visitors perceive residents of the Spiritual Realm as brightly glowing balls of Light and residents of the Ethereal Realm as scintillating columns or 'vaguely' humanoid-shaped beings of Light.
  3. Within the Astral and Physical Realms - The first number is the Level (ex. 1: ). The numbering system provided is for clarity of those living within Level 1 (which, in the Middle Physical Plane, is the physical universe). Level 1 has 3 dimensions; Level 2 has 5 dimensions; Level 3 is 7-dimensional; and, Level 4 contains 9 dimensions.
    The Astral and Physical Dimensions and their associated Levels are as follows:
Level Dimension
4 9. Wisdom
8. Compassion
3 7. Mind
6. Emotion
2 5. Thought
4. Time
1 3. Height
2. Width
1. Length
Please note that:
Each level includes all of the dimensions at or below that level.
Beings at a particular level have awareness (and thus an ability to adjust their perception) of and the ability to control &/or manipulate all of the dimensions at or below that level.
They also have awareness of, but not the ability to truly control &/or manipulate, the dimensions of the level immediately above it.
Correspondences Between Dimensions. Please note that there is a difference between 3-dimensional thought; the 5th Dimension, Thought; the 7th Dimension, Mind; and, the 9th Dimension, Wisdom.
3-Dimensional thought involves a process of cognitive synthesis of data and information that is stored in a person's individual consciousness; 5th Dimension, Thought, involves a similar process in a person's individual superconsciousness; while, the 7th Dimension, Mind, utilizes a spontaneous or intuitive knowing of knowledge stored in the Universal Consciousness (which by definition includes that of the individual's); 9th Dimension, Wisdom, involves a similar process in Universal Superconsciousness (which by definition includes that of all that is).
The 6th Dimension, Emotion, and 8th Dimension, Compassion, share a similar set of correspondences. The 6th Dimension, Emotion, is a function of a person's individual subconscious; while the 8th Dimension, Compassion, is a product of the Universal Subconscious.
The Logos. The Logos consists of 12 dimensions [the nine lower dimensions plus three additional dimensions (10. Desire, 11. Truth, and 12. Love)] that encompass both the Physical and Astral Realms in their entirety as an inclusive whole. Desire at this level represents a promise from above of what can be.
Beings residing on the Physical or Astral Realms generally refer to the Logos as their Higher Self. Once a Spiritual Being completes the incarnational cycle, the 12 dimensions of the Logos merges into a unity and the Being evolves up to become a resident of the Ethereal Realm. Thus enabling the Being to manifest as they so choose.
2. Under the column labeled "Manifestations:"
  1. Low-vibration manifestations are characterized by individual awareness and consciousness.
  2. High-vibration manifestations are characterized by collective awareness and consciousness.
3. Under the column labeled "Key Concepts & Lessons:"
Within the context of the Spiritual Multiverse, positive and negative do not refer to a value, moral or ethical judgment regarding something. Positive refers to the masculine, active, expressive energies; negative refers to the feminine, passive, receptive energies.
© 2015, Michael Rondot. All Rights Reserved.

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