Realms | Planes | Levels & Dimensions [ See Note 1] |
Manifestations [ See Note 2] |
Key Concepts & Lessons [ See Note 3] |
Cosmic All, Creator, Great Mystery, The Unknowable (God) |
Spiritual | — Upper Spiritual |
Unity | Divine Essence (Spark of God) Point of Creation |
Abstract Pure Energy, "The Light" Principle of Existence (I AM) |
— Middle Spiritual |
Divine Father | Abstract Emotional Energy, emphasizing
Divine Love Principle of the Expressive Co-Creative Force or Energy |
— Lower Spiritual |
Divine Mother | Abstract Intellectual Energy, emphasizing Divine Truth Principle of the Receptive Co-Creative Form and Manifestion |
The Void, Nothingness |
Ethereal | — Upper Ethereal |
Unity | Divine Child | Concrete Positive Intellectual Energy Principle of Archetypal Ideas Development of Personal Growth & Expansion |
— Middle Ethereal |
Divine Justice | Concrete Negative Intellectual Energy Principle of Stability (Spiritual Law & Order) Development of Personal Righteousness & Self-sacrifice |
— Lower Ethereal |
Self-Perception | Concrete Balanced Intellectual Energy Principle of Self-Consciousness & Self-Awareness Development of Personal Transformation & Self-redemption |
The Veil of Separation |
Astral | — Upper Astral |
4: 1-9 | Heart-based thought-forms by humanity as an inclusive, collective whole, Everyone. | Concrete Positive Emotional Energy. Principle of Empathy emanating from the Light-side of Human Nature based on unconditional love, altuism & benevolence. |
3: 1-7 | Heart-based thought-forms by an individual human inclusive of the collective whole, Everyone. | |||
— Middle Astral |
2: 1-5 | Intellect-based thought-forms by humans as an inclusive, collective group, Us & some others. | Concrete Negative Emotional Energy. Principle of Sympathy emanating from the 'gray area' of Human Nature based on conditional love, accomodation & compromise. |
1: 1-3 | Intellect-based thought-forms by an inclusive individual human, Me & some others. | |||
— Lower Astral |
2: 1-5 | Ego-based thought- forms by humans as an exclusive, collective group, just US. | Concrete Balanced Emotional Energy. Principle of Apathy emanating from the Dark-side of Human Nature based on fear, anger, hatred, etc. |
1: 1-3 | Ego-based thought-forms by an exclusive individual human, just ME. | |||
The Veil of Forgetfulness |
Physical | — Upper Physical |
4: 1-9 | High-vibration Physical & Life Force Energies | Concrete Physical Energy Principle of Energetic Cause and Effect |
3: 1-7 | Low-vibration Physical & Life Force Energies | |||
— Middle Physical |
2: 1-5 | High- vibration Material Universe | Concrete Physical Matter Principle of Physical Cause and Effect |
1: 1-3 | Low-vibration Material Universe | |||
— Lower Physical |
2: 1-5 | Forces of Air, Earth, Fire, Water & Aether | Abstract Physical Energy Template of Physical & Life Force Energies |
1: 1-3 | Framework of Unmanifested Fundamental Matter | Abstract Physical Matter Template of Fundamental Matter |
The Void, Nothingness |
Please note that:
Each level includes all of the dimensions at or below that level.
Beings at a particular level have awareness (and thus an ability to adjust their perception) of and the ability to control &/or manipulate all of the dimensions at or below that level.
They also have awareness of, but not the ability to truly control &/or manipulate, the dimensions of the level immediately above it.
Correspondences Between Dimensions. Please note that there is a difference between 3-dimensional thought;
the 5th Dimension, Thought; the 7th Dimension, Mind; and, the 9th Dimension, Wisdom.
3-Dimensional thought involves a process of cognitive synthesis of data and information that is stored in a
person's individual consciousness; 5th Dimension, Thought, involves a similar process in a person's individual superconsciousness; while, the 7th Dimension, Mind, utilizes a spontaneous or intuitive knowing of knowledge stored in the Universal Consciousness (which by definition includes that of the individual's); 9th Dimension, Wisdom, involves a similar process in Universal Superconsciousness (which by definition includes that of all that is).
The 6th Dimension, Emotion, and 8th Dimension, Compassion, share a similar set of correspondences. The 6th Dimension, Emotion, is a function of a person's individual subconscious; while the 8th Dimension, Compassion, is a product of the Universal Subconscious.
The Logos. The Logos consists of 12 dimensions [the nine lower dimensions plus three additional
dimensions (10. Desire, 11. Truth, and 12. Love)] that encompass both the Physical and Astral Realms in their entirety as an inclusive whole. Desire at this level represents a promise from above of what can be.
Beings residing on the Physical or Astral Realms generally refer to the Logos as their Higher Self. Once a Spiritual Being completes the incarnational cycle, the 12 dimensions of the Logos merges into a unity and the Being evolves up to become a resident of the Ethereal Realm. Thus enabling the Being to manifest as they so choose.
2. Under the column labeled "Manifestations:"
3. Under the column labeled "Key Concepts & Lessons:"
Within the context of the Spiritual Multiverse, positive and negative do not refer to a value, moral or ethical judgment regarding something. Positive refers to the masculine, active, expressive energies; negative refers to the feminine, passive, receptive energies.
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